November 20, 2007

Monster drops

I might only do half and come back to it.Cause this is LONG. Only stated names rest will be filled in afternoon.
Drops: Gold 1/3 chance
cape of dungeon 1/300 chance
Minor healing potion 1/6
Stamina potion 1/6



Goblin scout

Goblin warrior


Minion rat

Rat boss



Skeleton boss


Angry rat

Snake boss


Spider boss

Black wolf

Escaped bat


Special item

Polar bear


Goblin warchief


Green dragon boss

November 18, 2007


New monster a green dragon that gives 3000 EXP!!! It takes like 50 or so hits but i think its worth it. I recomend taking a team and pots with you. It is the castle where all the ghosts are. The ghosts are new and they give 170 exp.

beta 3.3

New beta 3.3, with polar bears, lots of new maps and safe houses. William also added a new system for selling items at the store. Here is the download link for Beta 3.3

Download here:

I'm Not Quitting xD

I'm just going away for some time. I'll try to log into the forums everyday, but if you wonder why I'm not playing or in the forum, its because I'm moving to my new apartment, and I'm planning everything very nice. ~SERVER

November 17, 2007

Fallen Angels

This famous guild is taking over the server. Most of our greatest players are members from FA. The Fallen Angels is a guild made by Makaveli. In order to be in that guild, you must be a high level player, and join by using the forum, I think. They had a guild war today with members of other guilds. For more imformation visit the FA guild topic made by Makaveli in the K2h Forum. FALLEN ANGELS JOIN TOPIC

November 16, 2007

New ShoutBox

I thought of adding a new ShoutBox a long time ago, sins the old one was taken off the layout. Well, now if you want to chat there, or just request any guide or anything, feel free to post. You can also use it as our public MSN. I say public because everybody would have the opportunity to see it, and because you also have to fallow some rules, as how all public places have. No Flaming, Cursing, Spamming, nor negative comments. If I see this, I'll most likely IP ban you... and believe me, I know how. All spam would be deleted. Well, thanks for reading this, and enjoy it. ~SERVER

November 15, 2007

VIP MemberShip

I know I already posted this before, but I thought I would repost it sins some of you guys might think this is useful. Here I'll talk about VIP related imformation. What's a VIP Member? A VIP is a Very Important Person for the game/forum. How do you become a VIP? Here is where we start talking about money. To become a VIP member, you must do the fallowing. Donate... As simple as how it sounds.

Becoming a VIP will cost you:

  • 100sek (Swedish En kronor)
  • 15$ (United States Dollar)
  • 11€ (euro)
  • 7.5£ (United Kingdom Dollar)

What are your benefits? First of all, all offered benefits can only be apply to ONE character. Note, I said character and not account. Here are some benefits VIP members get.

What a VIP gets

  • 3 more stat points, that would mean that you gained an extra level since you gain 3 stat points per level.
  • You will get one special item, these items will not give you much stat boost. But it can be a VIP item, such as a cape that cant be found elsewhere in the game.
  • A VIP player will be allowed to adjust his stat points from time to time. So incase you put something wrong, it can be fixed.
  • You will be allowed to post in a VIP board on the forum.
  • You will be given a The "myguild" will be your guild name so you can have a website for it.
The VIP Membership lasts for 1 year counting from the final version. So if you get it now, it will actually start when the final version is complete. Although you will get the benefits now too.

Payment Methods
Remember to write who it's from when sending the payment.
User name is recommended to include.

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. ~Server

Pictures of monsters

ok the new pictures are labeled and i will explain them. 1. These are the brand new orcs avaible above the wolves and give a whopping 160 exp and are easy to kill. 2. I previously told you about the new spider boss well i got a picture its the black one and gives 350 exp. The purple colored spider is just a reg one and u can see me hitting a 42 on it :). 3. This is the ship to travel to place to place it requires 15+ for first one and 35+ for second.4. Is the kinda new snake boss gives 300 exp and is blue.
Just want you to know i can own and pwn everyone of these monsters :P

1. orcs

2. spider boss


4. snake boss

November 14, 2007

beta Three Updated

Beta Three was extended. It has some snow regions which has no monsters... also don't go in the black area in snow area because you will be trapped. Bandanas are out and samuri hats which I think maka made. Then kroller help update scale and blue dragon helmets better. Also william says he added alot more monsters to gfx file so no I can build more maps, Yeah! and maka I think is pixeling, and is making some cool items that could be rare.

Some Info/Updates

If everything goes alright, hopefully we will have a new spell in Beta Four. This spell would probably be named Entangle. What? It would simply freeze the casted player for a couple of seconds ( 1-2 ) Which would give you an advantage over the player, allowing you to PK or what ever you want during that time. The spell wont require a lot of INT, so Warriors would be able to use it too.


NPC AI was being a fag, so William had to turn off the server to fix it. There was a bug that mess up his actions, but now everything is alright. The server is back online. Have fun. ~SERVER

November 13, 2007

K2h Scammers

I thought of making a list after reading Addy's post in the forum. Addy was scammed by Angelo, and sins we are not going to have a trading system, I'll make a list in here, and update it in the K2h General Guide. For all of you guys, try to use a MM ( MiddleMan ) for your deals. This way you won't be scammed, at least not from the other dealer. Peace Out. ~SERVER



William has done the nicest thing and gave us a great new thing!!! It is a new beta 3 updated with more harder monsters.
You have to download it again at:
He has added like 10 more maps of spiders and bosses and wolves ill tell you the name and there exp below:
Spider boss:300exp
Snakes:120 exp but are much agressive and come up attacking you
Snake boss: 240exp or so i believe its around 200s i think :/
But if you have time it would be nice to thank william for this cause it helped and made my day more fun :)

November 12, 2007

New Temple ( Do Not Change It )

I changed the layout once again. We will stay like this until Erk makes us a new layout. I'll see if I give it a shot, and stop bothering Erk with the layout. If mine doesn't works out, I'll ask Erk to make a good one, or we'll go back to the original one, which was deleted.

Beta 3 where to lvl up!

Here are some good places where to level up, and which are the best monsters for each level.

Level 1 to 4:
Bats and rats at the town dungeon map 10.
Level 5 to 8:
The goblins at the goblin bridge map.
Level 9 to 11:
Cave with rats and rats boss.
Level 12 to 14:
Fight wolves or skeletons in the desert.
Level 15+:
Go into the 2nd world and fight snakes.

This is the official K2h map. This map was updated for Beta 3.

V.I.P membership

Ok price is - 100sek (Swedish En kronor)
- 15$ (United States Dollar)
- 11€ (euro)
- 7.5£ (United Kingdom Dollar)
Then the benefits will be you get 3 stat points extra!
Then a rare item such as cape and will NOT have a stat boost
V.I.P member reset stat points every once in a while.
Able to post in a V.I.P post board
Have your own website from k2h from a guild
And helping k2h stay alive and better
But sadly it only lasts one year from final version!

Simple things fixed

Ok william tried balancing the classes and he did this:
Agi bonuses from rogue set are gone
more end is needed to wear armor leggings and helmets
end is needed for mage stuff
str requirements to all shields

November 11, 2007


Also william is working on balanacing the classes(cough archer owns)
Yeah he also added the hats into the list:
Now since william claims he got nothing to do then he is doing more mapping uhhh
And maybe maybe hell add a dragon boss.

November 6, 2007


I've been trying to program a decent speed hack checker and finaly, I think I got it. This is how a part of it looks:
If Timer < Player(index).Char(Player(index).CharNum).SpeedHackCheck + 0.1 Then Call AlertMsg(index, "You are using a Speedhack. Go to the forum for more information.") Exit SubEnd If

Basicly, the speed hack will check for a increased speed in the movement of the player. So if his running just a little bit faster, he will get disconnected. I'm pretty sure this should take most of the speedhacks away. But I'm also going to add one more thing that will help a lot too.

November 4, 2007

Things to do

William has posted a list on what to do
- Pixel more monsters and add them to the maps [DONE]
- Program more quests [DONE]- Finish more maps [DONE]
- Pixel staffs and add them to the item list [1/2DONE]
- Remake the shop prices [DONE]- Make a Shop Map picture so you can find the shops easier [DONE]
It probably be realeased next saturday or sunday

Stamina,health,mana, and gold appear on menu

As you see there is a mana,health, and stamina sign in the corner. well if you have a potion to use just use that. And william wanted to have how much gold u got in menu

Another quest

Leaf quest- Talk to josh hes in bar west of church. Head east until u see the desert then head north. then walk 1 map east and you will find a mountain with wolves. Go inside cave and kill 10 angry rats and get 10 leafs go back to josh and he will give you cape of honor(yellow)
William also adds Dex's shield and he recolored armor of rogue. Also william added notes which u can write general stuff. All is in this picture.

November 3, 2007

Under Construction

As you can all see, the blog's layout is NOT finished, which makes it look a little mess up. This would be fixed in a couple of hours. ~SERVER

November 2, 2007

2 new quests!

Quest IV - Go talk to the leader in the church, he will tell you to go east and find a dungeon filled with rats. Kill the rat minions until you have 3 rat skins. Now when you do, return back to the leader and we will reward you with 1 stat point and 2 protection points. This is what william put.
Quest V - Farmer: Go north in the town and find Felix, his standing watching over the ocean for his brother. When you talked to him, he tells you to go east. He think his brother is located north over the desert, east of the rat dungeon. His dressed as a farmer, that he knows for sure. When you find him, head back to Felix and you will be rewarded with 1000experience.

Updating the Guide

I'll start updating the guide tomorrow, sins William just made some new quests. I'll also update some things I was leaving for Beta3, but I guess I'll do it tomorrow, if not Sunday. ~SERVER

Halloween LAYOUT ( again )

I personally was having problems with the layout Erk made. I gotta admit, it looked very cool, but it had some things that were just bugging me. Like the titles, for some reason tittles were not showing up anymore. Like the comments, you could just commented by days, and not by unit. Finally, the color and all the empty space. We'll see if we get a better layout, or if Erk is going to fix his old layout. I changed back to this layout because William asked for it. Well peace out, and thank you Erk. ~SERVER

November 1, 2007

Ok, I finished editing the blog, hope you all like it ^.^

As you can plainly hear and see, I have finished editing the K2h blog, leave your comments about it in the comments section ^.^

Also, as you can see if you make a post more then once a day the blog wont put the date and user posted again, which means when posting twice in the same day you must at the end type

- Posted at:

It's easy to do, and will keep everything nice and organized.

Anyways, thats it, going to take a bit of a break for awhile now.

-Erk Posted at: Thursday, November 01, 2007